Tuesday, February 23, 2016

student success statement

" In life as in football, you won't go far, unless you know where goalpost are. " - Arnold H. Glasgow

Image result for goalsWhat this quote is saying is that if you know where your goals are and what you have to do to reach them you will go as far as you need to to reach and accomplish it. But when you don't know where the " goalpost " are then you won't be going as far. For example on the good point of view of this quote is, someone who has a goal for finishing a project they need to turn in by the end of the month. That person with the goal is setting it to finish before the dealine and be able to turn it in first out of everyone. That person is choosing to do the right thing for themselve and their grade. They will go as far as they need to to reach that goal. An example of this in a bad point of view is someone who turns things in late. That person is choosing to do the wrong thing and that can ruin their grade a lot espeically if they don't turn it in. It's always better to choose to do the right things for yourself.

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