Wednesday, February 17, 2016

student success statement

" What's right isn't always popular. What's popular isn't always right. " - Albert Einstein

What this quote means is that whatever is popular and on going right now isn't always the best thing to do. And whatever isn't popular is right. For example of a good side of this quote, say you go to a popular party going on right now and all you see is someone smoking and drinking. Those people who are there and doing those things are doing it because it's what everyone is doing. But you on the other hand chose to do the right thing and not drink or smoke. The good side was how you chose to do the right things even though you know it's not popular. Now an example of a bad side of this quote, take it back to that party. Say you show up and everyone there is drinking and they offer you a drink or to smoke with them and you say yes since you notice that everyone is doing that. That is already choosing to do the wrong thing for yourself. Don't let other people's decisions influence on you. Choose to do the right things for yourself whether the popular things going on aren't right.

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